Jason Churchward from The Smarter Home Club has written another great blog post, this time, showing off his Garage Door automation!
Continue reading “Garage Door Opener 2.0 using ST_Anything HubDuino”
Leviton Dual Decora Switch Momentary Mod
Paul Taylor from The Smarter Home Club wrote a GREAT tutorial on how to convert a Leviton dual decora switch to momentary. A momentary switch acts like a push button – only engaged while held. This is really great for use with a project like automated blinds or a custom doorbell and, as always, Paul takes the time to break it down so any of us can do it!
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Learn To Program Arduino IV: Electrical Resistance and Code Reusuability (2 of 2)
In Part I of this project, we jumpered a series of buttons to a voltage divider that we connected to the Nano. Along the way, we discussed the basics of what resistors are and what their values mean. In the conclusion of the project, we’ll answer the very important question “what can I do with that?” as we dive into the code.
Continue reading “Learn To Program Arduino IV: Electrical Resistance and Code Reusuability (2 of 2)”
Learn To Program Arduino IV: Electrical Resistance and Code Reusuability (1 of 2)
Now that we’re comfortable with using our Nanos, breadboards, and navigating the Arduino IDE, it is time to start learning! We’re still in the introductory stages of this series, so I’ll give you very basic explanations now, to help you understand, and expand your knowledge with more in-depth details as we progress in future posts. Part 1 of this project covers resistors (electrical resistance) and, Part 2 will cover writing your code so that it uses functions (re-usability).
Continue reading “Learn To Program Arduino IV: Electrical Resistance and Code Reusuability (1 of 2)”
Learn To Program Arduino: Part III – Functions, Syntax, and the Breadboard
We’re continuing with our “Arduino for Absolute Beginners” series, which has so far covered the installation and testing of a Nano board (HERE), as well as the major components of the Arduino IDE and an introduction to using the Serial Monitor for debugging (HERE). This entry covers important syntax, introduces functions and re-usability of code, and we start working with breadboards. ALSO! I asked my buddy Cola from eMakeFun if we could have a coupon for a component pack which included a breadboard and he delivered! We’ll un-box the eMakeFun Electronic Components Start Kit.
Continue reading “Learn To Program Arduino: Part III – Functions, Syntax, and the Breadboard”
Learn To Program Arduino: The IDE
In the first entry in this series (HERE), we covered the installation of the IDE and a driver for the Nano board, as well as testing the board to make sure it works. In this entry, we’re navigating he Arduino IDE – specifically, on the code editor, the Console window, the serial monitor, and an introduction to the language reference. Please note, this series is still in the “introductory” phase, to help get beginners up to speed, though there may be a bit or a byte that you’re not familiar with yet.
Learn To Program Arduino
The Smarter Home Club is dedicated to learning, teaching, and sharing, so our next blog series is dedicated to micro-controllers. You don’t need to know how to build circuits with micro-controllers or to program them in order to enjoy the benefits of home automation. There are easy to install products that cover the majority of things you will want to do – but not everything. Learning how to use various dev kits and micro-controller prototyping boards will give you a means to build tools for the projects that commercial products don’t address, as well as helping you understand what goes on behind the scenes with the automation products that you buy and install.
A key point here is that you read with your eyes but you learn with your hands.
Project Viduus Part I – Importing Data From RFLink
RFlink is an amazing tool. It allows you to import data from RF devices into your home automation ecosystem. I purchased two different units from a seller on eBay (now retired), both targeting the 433 MHz range. RF Link also supports 315, 868, and 915 MHz, as well as 2.4 GHz with the required receivers. Further, RFLink is supported by a number of platforms, such as Domoticz, Jeedom, Pimatic, Domotiga, OpenHAB, and HoMIDoM.
Continue reading “Project Viduus Part I – Importing Data From RFLink”