Last week, Hubitat updated their platform to version 2.2.0 which allows native integration for Shelly relays and dimmers!
Installing The Echo Auto
Remember in the “old days” when people used to line up around the block and camp out for the release of a new iPhone? Amazon has managed to bring back a measure of that consumer excitement with a product that they pitched out last year, the Echo Auto. Unfortunately, it has been vaporware for most people, as we were able to request an invite back in Novemeber, but the actual devices have been few and far between.
Thoughts on Home Accessibility systems for the Differently Abled
Paul Taylor from The Smarter Home Club discusses the home automation setup he installed for his parents, in order to help his father more effectively handle some significant mobility challenges.
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Introducing Amazon Alexa and the Echo Products
One of the top goals for the Smarter Home Club is to help beginners get started in home automation. Several of my upcoming posts will introduce novices to products that are easy to setup and use but offer huge benefits. The first of those products that I want to introduce to you is the Amazon Echo line of products, which are the gateway to Amazon’s versatile virtual assistant, Alexa!
Continue reading “Introducing Amazon Alexa and the Echo Products”