Jason Churchward from The Smarter Home Club has written another great blog post, this time, showing off his Garage Door automation!
Continue reading “Garage Door Opener 2.0 using ST_Anything HubDuino”
How To Use Shelly Modules in Hubitat Elevation or Smart Things
I spent a good part of the afternoon teaming up with Scott Grayban on a fun project that combines products from two of my favorite smart home companies – Shelly Cloud and Hubitat Elevation! (and also Smart Things, if you like them).
Scott and I connected last year when I was looking for help in getting a Zigbee dimming switch working with Smart Things. While the switch didn’t pan out (ZLL – go figure), the connection was far more valuable. I’ve found he has a really interesting perspective on a number of technologies and he “gets it” as well as anybody else when it comes to smart home. Feel free to check out some of his public projects on his repository HERE.
Continue reading “How To Use Shelly Modules in Hubitat Elevation or Smart Things”